Experience Reliable Navcom Services 

with Benya Marine 

Class and OEM Approved Services for Uninterrupted Operations at Sea.

We offer a wide range of class and OEM approved services to ensure uninterrupted operation at sea. From maintenance and repair to inspections and certifications, our comprehensive solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of your vessel. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently, no matter the challenges at sea.

Marine NavCom Services

Experience the ultimate level of safety and security for your sea operations. Our dedicated team of professionals will equip your vessel with the latest GMDSS technology, empowering you to navigate the seas with confidence and peace of mind. 

Sail with us into a world of unparalleled safety and security

Book an inspection now!

APT and Certification

Performance Test and Certification for all GMDSS Equipment.

Marine Class Surveys

We holds the authorized status for conducting marine safety radio of GMDSS on board ships.

Maintenance & Repairs

Our technicians are OEM Certified, equipped to handle installations, commissioning, and warranty repairs meeting regulatory standards.

OEM Approved

Quality services are never neglected.

Value Added

We conduct surveys to ensure optimum compliance. 

We Sell it, We Fix it

Rest assured that your equipment is always in top condition 24/7.


Choose Benya Marine Services today!